6 hours of sleep changes your DNA.

Today’s thread is about a study I quote often which was printed in PNAS. The study took a group of healthy adults limited to 6 hours of sleep a day for 1 week.

They found a change in the activity of 711 genes compared to when the subjects got 8 hrs of sleep (epigenetic change in 3% of their genome, only about 20,000 genes in our genome)

  • About half of the genes were upregulated and half downregulated

  • Downregulated (impaired) genes were ones associated with the immune system

  • The ones upregulated genes were associated with tumor production, long-term chronic inflammation, and stress / cardiovascular disease

This is was the turning point for my when I talk about sleep optimisation. So I would love to know how you feel after 6 hours of sleep? Do you feel good/ bad… Also, how many hours do you get on average?