The Straightforward Path to Powerful Muscles

How Fish Oil Can Help Your Muscles Grow

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Neuro Athletes,

Good evening. I know you’re all wondering if this is a joke but it’s not. My lifelong quest to get the world having more Omega-3 fish oils has been further fueled by the compelling research showcasing their undeniable impact on muscle growth, strength, and overall health.

The best part?

They aren’t just good for your brain, they can actually enhance muscle growth.


Well it turns out that Omega-3 fatty acids have garnered attention due to a series of groundbreaking studies conducted by Pretina Mittendorfer's research group.

These studies demonstrated an enhanced protein synthetic response when amino acid infusion was combined with omega-3 supplementation. This effect was observed in both younger and older individuals, suggesting the potential benefits across different age groups.

Omega-3s and Muscle Growth

The impact of omega-3 fatty acids on muscle growth cannot be overlooked. Research has shown that omega-3 supplementation can lead to significant changes in muscle mass, promoting hypertrophy.

Additionally, incorporating fish oil into your regimen has been associated with improved muscle strength and function, enhancing overall athletic performance.

Targeting Anabolic Resistance in Older Adults Anabolic resistance, characterized by insufficient protein intake and reduced responsiveness to protein, is a common challenge faced by older adults.

Fortunately, omega-3s have shown promise in addressing anabolic resistance in this population. Not only do they improve protein synthesis, but they also enhance muscle function, making omega-3 supplementation particularly beneficial for older individuals aiming to maintain or build muscle mass.

Optimizing Omega-3 Supplementation

Determining optimal dose and duration of omega-3 supplementation is crucial for maximizing anabolic effects. Ongoing research by Chris McGlory aims to uncover the ideal dosage for muscle building through studying muscle tissue response, protein synthesis markers, and overall muscle function.

Finding the right balance is key to promoting the greatest anabolic response without exceeding limits or diminishing returns.

It appears that very high doses of n-3 PUFAs and/or their derived metabolites promote myofiber hypertrophy by decreasing inflammation and protein degradation. Recommended dose is 2g of EPA and 2g of DHA per day.

If you want to learn more, be sure to check this episode out.

Catch you on Thursday!

Louisa x